Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Wooyoung Letters

Di acara HahaMong Show, wooyoung dikejutkan dengan kedatangan ibu dan kaka perempuannya (liat foto di atas kan?) Nah, tidak berhenti sampai disitu dia juga dikejutkan untuk kedua kalinya, yang mana kejutan yang kedua ini datang dari ibunya yang membawa surat ucapan selamat ulang tahun dari wooyoung. Saat itu wooyoung berinisiatif untuk membacakannya, mau tau isi suratnya, sumpah ini yang bikin V nangis, tulus banget, very sincerelly, oke ini dia isi suratnya....

"Mom, although this is late, i truely wish you a Happy Birthday. Please forgive this son, who's at least writing this letter now. It feels like 2005 passed faster than any other year. It even makes me confused. How was it for you, mom? Memories of letters i wrote in elementary, middle school on Parents' Day are suddenly surfacing. Because i was in my immature phase, i stupidly didn't think the love you and dad gave me was anything special. I think i understand your hearts better nowdays. I'm sorry for not being able to get a good report card once when i entered high school. But i hope you understand my heart as well.
Mom, who always worked hard and prayed for noona and me i'll become a son that you won't be embarrased of but proud of from now on. Noona and i will live our lives reaching for our respective dreams no matter what. There was something a really wanted to say, but i'm sorry i couldn't tell it to you directly. I'm truly thankful, and thank you and i'm sorry for not being able to return your love. But from now on, i'll return that love with my deep love. Lastly, the words i've always kept in my heart. Mom, i love you, i'll become a great son".

uda berkali-kali nonton acara ini tapi tetep bikin v nangis, bahkan waktu nulis postingan ini aga-aga berkaca-kaca gimana gitu, how about you? kalian bisa ngerasain gimana sayangnya woo sama ibunya kan?, that's make me touched. Woo juga ngasih bross berbentuk pita waktu itu.

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